Bladder Cancer Prognosis: Get the Facts
Bladder cancer prognosis will show you how acute the bladder cancer is. You need to get the details of this illness to know it. That is why before going too far with the prognosis; you should know the grading too. At first, to diagnose the bladder cancer, the pathologist should see the cell under a microscope. If it is still in grade 1, the cancerous cells are like normal cells. They grow slowly and tend to not spread. In grade 2, they start to look abnormal. It starts to spread quicker than in the stage
1. In bladder cancer prognosis grade 3, the cells are abnormal. It is the highest grade; the cancerous cells grow and spread very quickly.
Bladder Cancer Prognosis: the Types
You should know that there are several types of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer prognosis is made based on the type. The first one is urothelial carcinoma. It is the most common one of bladder cancer and mostly related to the habit of smoking. The second one is bladder adenocarcinoma. This kind of bladder cancer is related to long-term irritation and inflammation. The third one is squamous cell carcinoma. It is the kind of bladder cancer that is related to chronic infection that is caused by the worm. The very rare type of bladder cancer is small cell cancer.
Bladder Cancer Prognosis: the Symptoms
Bladder cancer prognosis and symptoms include blood in your urine. It is also called as hematuria. The bleeding can be easily seen by the naked eye or it should be seen under the microscope. You may also feel the pain that is caused by the urine blockage. The thing you should know is there are no further symptoms to get bladder cancer prognosis. It makes the individuals tend to take their abnormalities for granted and leaves it untreated. Some individuals may also feel the urge to urinate frequently in a small amount. They may also feel the burning sensation when urinating.
However, you should know that those symptoms may only be experienced by those who have bladder cancer prognosis in high grade, commonly the grade 3. You should also know that sometimes the individuals report the symptoms of the other advanced medical conditions.
Due to that fact, it is important for you to visit the doctor when you feel the abnormalities when you are urinating. It is useful to detect the bladed cancer as soon as possible. Keep in mind that bladder cancer prognosis in early grade has more chance to be healed than in higher grade.